Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Drive a Porcshe

I drove Hans to work so that I can use his car during the day~ When I was sitting in a cafe, playing with the car key, I suddenly found that the car I was driving is actually a Porcshe! The model that looks nothing like a Porcshe in my mind but like a family car tho :Phaha... but it's such a once in a life thing~ wooohooo~~~ it worthy a whole project.. I should do his project for him for free~~ :D hohohoo~~~ for that experience! But I have to say... I feel like I m driivng a very heavy car... I have to keep giving gas to have it running while the cheap car I drove before would actually go for a while even I dont give it gas~~Everything in the car is actually very convinence... I can feel all those little details from the people who create it~~~~

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