Friday, October 17, 2008

I m such a genius -_-

It was the most stupid thing I have ever done in my life! I’ve locked myself outside the car!!!!!! I went out of the car and open the gate in front of my house… and the door just closed itself T___T…. and I was locked outside!!!! Luckily, I can get back to my room and wait for the emergency help… they came like 1.5 hrs afterward… and amazingly, they open the door in 5-10 second! I m sure they can steal any car within a quarter minute!! What they do was basically pull the door open for 2 inches with a tool and unlock the button with another very long tool…. Seriously, that was taking them less than 10 second… From they arrived, said a hi to me to they left. The whole process was less then 2 minutes. And they charged me $75 T_T… hope that I wont pay for it… coz it’s on my boss’s card :D haha… yea…

Btw, I met a friend from internet today… a guy from HK who stay in Goleta!!!!!!!! Wao… we talked a bit on msn! You don’t know how amazing it was to meet a HKnese in SB!!! There are almost no one working in SB… only students, students and students… honestly I don’t mind to meet students but so far I never meet any… :P haha… yea… seems that I will have a good company to hang out with  But…. the first thing I called him was to ask for help on the locked car things -_-… very “sut wai” ~_~….

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